Showing 1–12 of 66 results
Aegopodium podagraria
Aegopodium podagraria
French name : Herbe aux goutteux
French description: Fleurs blanches. Pale green foliage.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 0.30
Width maturity: 0.40
Flowering time: 05-06
Zone: 4 -
Aralia 'Sun King
Aralia 'Sun King
French name : Aralie Sunking
French description : Deciduous shrub with fast growth. Large thick golden yellow foliage.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 3.00
Width maturity : 2.00
Zone: 5 -
Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus
French name : Barbe de bouc
French description: Fleur blanc crème. Green foliage cut out.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 1.50
Width maturity : 0.90
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 3 -
Astilbe 'Delft Lace
Astilbe 'Delft Lace
French name : Astilbe Delft Lace
French description : Plumeaux pink apricot. Bluish green foliage slightly silvered, red stems.
Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
Height of maturity : 0.90
Width maturity: 0.60
Flowering time: 06-09
Zone: 4 -
Astilbe arendsii 'Younique White
Astilbe arendsii 'Younique White
French name : Astilbe Younique White
French description : Plumeaux of triangular form, white ivory. Very small and compact green foliage.
Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 0.50
Width maturity : 0.50
Flowering time: 06-07
Zone: 4 -
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red
Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red
French name : Fougère peinte japonaise Regal Red
French description : Fronde pale green with the inside red dark purple and with the silver edges.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height of maturity : 0.45
Width maturity: 0.60
Zone: 3 -
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost
French name : Myosotis du Caucase Jack Frost
French description : Flowers clear blue. Silvered foliage veined of dark green.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 0.30
Width maturity : 0.30
Flowering time: 05-06
Zone: 3 -
Buxus 'Green Velvet
Buxus 'Green Velvet
French name : Buis Green Velvet
French description : Shrub with the rounded and compact port. Small dark green sheets. Lends itself well for low hedges. Resist well to our winters. Slow growth.
Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 1.00
Width maturity : 1.00
Zone: 4b -
Carex glauca ' Blue Zinger
Carex glauca ' Blue Zinger
French name : Carex Blue Zinger
French description: Épi white greenish, green blue foliage.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height of maturity : 0.45
Width maturity : 0.20
Flowering time: 07-08
Zone: 4 -
Cimicifuga racemosa
Cimicifuga racemosa
French name : Cierge d'argent
French description : White flowers in ears. Green foliage.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 1.50
Width maturity: 0.60
Flowering time: 08-10
Zone: 4 -
Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette
Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette
French name : Cierge dargent Brunette
French description : Flowers white rosy in spike. Very dark purple foliage.
Sunshine: Half-shade, Shade,
Height of maturity: 1.10
Width maturity : 0.90
Flowering time: 08-10
Zone: 4 -
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel' (Clematis)
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel' (Clematis)
French name: Clématite Dr Ruppel
Description française : Climber requiring support. Large, soft pink flowers with a red median. Group size 2-3.
Sunshine: Sun, Half-shade, Shade,
Height at maturity: 3.00
Width maturity: 1.50
Flowering time: 05-09
Zone: 4